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Gresham House Case Study


Evolving their energy strategies with EnergyBroker to improve profitability.




“Phil always offers advice on how to deliver cost savings to our budgets.

This is a superb, free service”Natalie Dunleavy, senior asset manager




Objective -

To assist the property managers in Gresham House with improving profitability within their energy portfolio.



Insights -

The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland say - “The Property Manager needs to be mindful that energy procurement is given a high profile. Ultimately the Property Manager should look for cost effective opportunities of each property they manage”

Every property manager knows the importance of switching contracts to avail of the best rates every year. However, finding the time and trusting someone with the task can prove difficult.


What we do -

Gresham House approached us in 2015 to support them in managing energy contracts, both residential and commercial.

A dedicated account manager is assigned and all contract end dates were logged. When a contract is up for renewal EnergyBroker negotiates the best rate available and handles all aspects of the switching process.

Property managers can now rest assure that every energy contract is being monitored and they are achieving the best possible kWh renewal rates year on year.

This clarity creates predictability when it comes to budgeting and also saves valuable time for each property manager in Gresham House.


Services we provide -

Keeping track of every contract end date

Finding the best kWh renewal rate

COT (Change of Tenancy) from a Gresham House client into the name of a new tenant.

MIC reviews. Checking that capacity is sized correctly on both LVMD electricity and FVT gas sites.

Resolve all billing and meter issues.

Contract end date confirmation.