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Year on year energy contract management and cost reduction for top Dublin restaurant

"Phil handles all of Dax’s energy contracts.

It’s great piece of mind to know I’m always paying the best price for my energy”

Olivier Meisonnave, Owner of Dax Restaurant

Insights -

Previously paying inflated rates due to an expired contract—a common issue in the industry—Dax needed to sign up to a yearly contract and lock in low electricity prices.

However, where to start, finding the time and trusting someone can prove demanding for most restaurant owners.

Approach -

We assigned Olivier a dedicated account manager who would negotiate on his behalf.

After analysing his bills and consumption we found the best price per kilowatt hour (kWh) and handled all administration when setting up a contract with the new supplier

Services -

  • Contract end date confirmation
  • Finding the best kWh renewal rate
  • MIC reviews. Checking that capacity is sized correctly on both LVMD electricity and FVT gas sites
  • Resolve all billing and meter issues